What determines Rural Financial Illiteracy? An analysis of the relationship with socioeconomic and demographic factors





Financial Illiteracy, Rurality, Socioeconomic and demographic factors


The recognition of financial literacy as a growing global policy priority highlights the urgency of addressing financial illiteracy, especially in rural areas of developing countries. This study focuses on the rural area of the Municipality of Capistrano-CE, notable for having one of the most significant rural populations in the Maciço de Baturité-CE region. The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between the level of financial literacy (behavior, attitude and knowledge) with socioeconomic and demographic variables from the perspective of rurality, in addition to encouraging similar research in other rural areas of Brazil. Authors such as Huston (2010); Remund (2010); Jobin and Losekann (2015); Potrich (2016); Pontara (2019) and OECD (2020) offer the theoretical-conceptual and empirical basis of this study. Data collection was carried out through direct field research, where 175 questionnaires were administered in the municipality under analysis. The results indicate that the population surveyed has a low level of financial literacy and is aged between 42 and 80 years, with the majority being female, corroborating the hypothesis that is constant internationally. The factors most closely related to financial illiteracy are: occupation, having dependents, own and parental education, and own and family income. Such results highlight the need for initiatives that economically empower rural communities and reduce vulnerability to financial manipulation and misinformation.


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Author Biographies

Maria Vanessa Silva dos Reis, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Master's Student in Rural Economics (UFC); Specialist in Municipal Public Management (UNILAB); Bachelor of Public Administration (UNILAB); Graduate student in Information Technology Management (UNIP); Scholarship holder by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, CAPES, Brazil (Postgraduate Program in Rural Economy - UFC); Member (partner) of the Brazilian Society of Rural Economics, Administration and Sociology, SOBER, Brazil.

Robério Telmo Campos, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Possui graduação em Agronomia pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (1976), mestrado em Economia Rural pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (1980) e Doutorado em Economia pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (1991). Foi membro da diretoria da SOBER como representante da região Nordeste, é associado e consultor da Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia, Administração e Sociologia Rural. Membro legendário da SOBER agraciado a partir de 2022. Professor titular do Departamento de Economia Agrícola da Universidade Federal do Ceará. Tem experiência na área de Economia, com ênfase nas áreas de Administração Rural, Elaboração e Avaliação de Projetos Agrícolas, sob os pontos de vista privado, econômico e social, assim como nas áreas de risco e de capacidade de pagamento por água bruta em perímetros irrigados do Nordeste.


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How to Cite

REIS, M. V. S. dos; CAMPOS, R. T. . What determines Rural Financial Illiteracy? An analysis of the relationship with socioeconomic and demographic factors. Journal Geotemas, Pau dos Ferros, v. 14, n. 1, p. e02415, 2024. DOI: 10.33237/2236-255X.2024.6098. Disponível em: https://periodicos.apps.uern.br/index.php/GEOTemas/article/view/6098. Acesso em: 6 jul. 2024.


