
  • Letí­cia Pereyron


Language Transfer, Complex Adaptive System, Cross-linguistic influence


This paper aims to discuss the use of the terms "interference" and "language transfer" as well as to present a historical overview on the development of the theoretical definition of language transfer, from Weinreich (1953) and Lado (1957) to the notion of linguistic influence under the light of Complex Adaptive Systems (RINGBOM, 1985; CENOZ, 2001; HERDINA & JESSNER, 2002; JESSNER, 2008; BRITO, 2011). The term "interference" was neglected (GASS; SELINKER, 1992; CORDER, 1992; ORTEGA, 2009) for displaying a negative impression about intervention from the mother language on an addition language development. Departing from a view of language as a Complex Adaptive System (CAS), the term "transfer" is often called "cross-language influence" and it is a phenomenon that has effects from one language on another. It is also considered to be an intrinsic factor of the multilingual system along the many possible relations among systems in play (L1, L2, and L3) (RINGBOM, 1985; CENOZ, 2001; HERDINA; JESSNER, 2002; KUPSKE, 2016; PEREYRON, 2017; de LOS SANTOS, 2017). In addition, under this prism, language typology and language proficiency will be discussed as being conditioning factors on the process of cross-language influence. Finally, focusing on the phonemic component, the paper fosters a proposal with regards to the term "transfer" based on Larsen-Freeman (2015), who asserts that the process of transfer offers much more than just transferring or coping elements to the developing language system, the author affirms that the process involves creativity, innovation, recombination.


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Author Biography

Letí­cia Pereyron

Professora da Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing de Porto Alegre. Doutora em Estudos da Linguagem pela UFRGS, mestre em Letras pela PUCRS e M.A. in TESOL pela La Salle University, Filadélfia, é professora de linguagem na ESPM-Sul.


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