A multimodal and discursive analysis of media: Jornal Nacional climbings at stake



Critical Discourse Analysis, News Climbing, Discursive multimodality


The present study has as main objective to analyze news media texts on television news, with regard to structural, discursive and multimodal aspects, aiming to promote reading and textual production in the classroom. To this end, the research investigates how one of the main segments of television news media, Jornal Nacional, and how its study can offer important subsidies to the language teaching-learning process. As a theoretical background, the assumptions of Critical Discourse Analysis are taken, a theory that addresses the context of language use as a crucial element, proposing research aimed at social relations characterized by struggle and conflict, materialized by speeches such as institutional, political, gender, and of the media (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001 [1992]; CHOULIARAKI; FAIRCLOUGH, 1990; FAIRCLOUGH, 2003; RAMALHO; RESENDE, 2011). At the same time, due to the nature of the data, especially regarding its character of constituting a multimodality apparatus, the concepts of  the Grammar of Visual Design are taken (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2006; FERNANDES; ALMEIDA, 2008). For that, we opted for a qualitative and interpretative approach, especially of a critical and documentary character (BAUER; GASKELL, 2008). As a result, climbs of five editions of Jornal Nacional were selected, from January to March 2019. The selected editions are representative of recurring themes and social events on that period. The results of the research point to an urgent need to better know the constitutive characters of media samples for the promotion of reading and text production activities in basic education.


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Author Biography

Maria Geizi Silva Pinto, Escola Municipal Padre Amaro (Paraú/RN)

Graduada em Letras Lí­ngua Portuguesa pela Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), Pós-graduanda no curso de Especialização em Linguí­stica Aplicada e Ensino de Lí­nguas pela Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) e no curso de Especialização em Ensino de Lí­ngua Portuguesa e Matemática em uma Perspectiva Transdisciplinar pelo Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). É atuante, principalmente, nos seguintes temas e correntes teóricas: Análise Crí­tica do Discurso, Discurso Midiático, Gramática do Design Visual e Multimodalidade Discursiva. 


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How to Cite

PINTO, M. G. S. . A multimodal and discursive analysis of media: Jornal Nacional climbings at stake. COLINEARES, Mossoró, Brasil, v. 6, n. 2, p. 21–41, 2019. Disponível em: https://periodicos.apps.uern.br/index.php/RCOL/article/view/2208. Acesso em: 5 oct. 2024.