Murmured city: notes about the city on the poetry of Carlos Drummond de Andrade
Drummond, Modern poetry, CityAbstract
This article intends to analyze the representations of the city on the poetry of Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902-1987), focusing two of his compositions. The first poem is extracted from the book Alguma poesia (2015) – "A rua diferente" –, and the second text is the poem "Revelação do subúrbio", taken from the book Sentimento do mundo (2018). Here our intention is to approach a theme which is just slightly present on Brazilian critical reviews about the poems written by the author, by such names as Soares Dias (2006). This article searches for the urban themes on the poems of Drummond, which revealed the city as a conflictual item between the individual and his society. The theoretical background involving the city themes comes from names as Lynch (2017) and Dalcastagnè (2015). Other discussions about modern poetry are equally taken into account and these ones are present from the vast literary critical works about Drummond, as seen in Candido (1977, 2006), Ferraz (2012), Moura (2018), and Pilati (2009), among others. The results of this study permeated the critical view of the poet, which points out his verses about the problematic urban insignia.
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