Geography teaching: a case study case teaching practice in fundamental education
Teaching, Geography, Active Methodologies, Educational practiceAbstract
Considering that geographical science is dynamic, its discussion is latent in all spheres, including school geography. Within this perspective, the objective of this manuscript is to present an account of experiences in the geography classes of elementary school, having as background the use of active methodologies. The methodological path initially permeates the construction of a bibliographic reference based on authors such as Zabala (1998), Cavalcanti (2002), Paulo Freire (1996), among others who subsidized the debate on the teaching of geography and the educational practice of its teacher. subject. Subsequently, an experience of geography classes in the 9th grade of elementary school II is explained, which will corroborate the relevance of methodological innovations in the teaching-learning process in the geography discipline, for the formation of critical citizens in contemporary society.
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