Urban sustainability assessment methodologies: A comparative analysis
Sustainable development, Public policy, Municipal managementAbstract
The objective of this study is to comparatively analyze the main urban sustainability assessment methodologies available for use at global, national, regional and local levels, offering subsidies so that municipal managers can choose the most appropriate tool for the situation of the municipality to which they are linked. The methodological procedure is qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and explanatory. A bibliographic and documental survey was carried out through which the main methodologies for assessing urban sustainability currently available were listed and presented. The information collected was presented and described in tables. Seven of the most relevant and currently available measuring instruments for urban sustainability were found to be applied at the global, national, regional, and municipal levels. Furthermore, it was observed that the differences among these tools are significant, and that the character of the data survey (qualitative or quantitative), the themes or indicators contemplated and the scope of these tools may vary.
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