The territorialization in healthcare planning in the northeastern semi-arid
Territorialization of Basic Healthcare, Health Planning, Basic Healthcare; , Public PoliticsAbstract
The territorialization is understood as a process of territory recognition. The use of this instrument allows the recognition of the enviroment, the economic, social, of life and housing conditions, that may affect human health. The objective of this work was to analyze how the territorialization is used by healthcare secretaries of the VI Healthcare Region of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. It is a descriptive study of qualitative nature, developed together with the healthcare secretaries of the municipalities which form the Healthcare Region that was studied. The collection of data happened through a semi-structired interview. Bardin’s content analysis was used. In total, 15 healthcare secretaries agreed to participate in the research, which represents 40,6% of the total amount, being 74% of them females. Only 02 municipalities performed the territorialization, 13 denied it and 01 didn’t know how to respond. Two thematic categories emerged from the interviews: “The relation of territorialization with healthcare planning” and “The political-administrative obstacles and the challenges for the implementation of healthcare planning with the territorialization of basic healthcare”. Despite demonstrating weaknesses in the knowledge of conceptual and practical aspects of territorialization, the association with healthcare planning strategies is very present. Through this study, a political disengagement with the conduction of healthcare politics under the light of the instruments of SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde) healthcare system was found. Thus, territorialization is still a little misunderstood, but this study proves a sensibility coming from the healthcare secretaries about its importance for guiding the planning of healthcare.
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