Characterization of the climatic conditions of Pau dos Ferros - RN
Climatic analysis, Pau dos Ferros-RN, Climate typologyAbstract
The Medium Length Resistance and Maximum Evaporation Temperature. In this context, the municipality of Pau dos Ferros - RN was configured as a research model, whose main purpose was to carry out an analysis of the local climatic conditions for the 30-year period, from 1973 to 2002. The methodological framework Researched in this research is anchored in Medeiros (2016). The research data were acquired in EMPARN and those of the temperature were estimated in the software Estima-T. They were later applied to the analysis of climatic climate balance, and later application of climatological water balance, according to Thornthwaite and Mather (1955). With this, it was possible to show the water deficit in the municipality during most of the year, due to the evaporation rate superior to the accumulated rainfall. The data generated by the water balance are controlled by definition of the climatic typology, being dry subhumid, with high effective humidity index, subtype d, with characteristics of little or no water surplus. Thus, its climatic formula is "˜C¹ d A"™, that is, Dry Subhumid Metamorphism with little or no water surplus.
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