Methodological practices for the analysis of the environmental perception of IFRN-campus students Pau dos Ferros, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Environmental education, Sustainable attitudes, Awareness, High school, IFRNAbstract
Environmental awareness permeates all multidisciplinary areas in the search for present and future generations to have environmental equilibrium through sustainable actions. Given the above, there is concern about whether students are actually building this awareness that the importance of living in a balanced environment largely depends on human beings. The present research had as objective to analyze and evaluate the perception of the students of the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte, of the Campus of Pau dos Ferros about its critical conception regarding the environment and its sustainable practices together with the society. The study was carried out through bibliographical research, debates, field practice and interviews using a questionnaire with a number of 180 students from six classes of the first and fourth year of high school between the years of (2014-1017). It was first established that students had basic information about the environment. However, there was no sense of empowerment and care for the environment, such as their belonging to it. After the activities carried out, the students presented a deepening of the subject, including to seek alternatives for preserving the environment in daily life. In this way, the importance of working with environmental education in high school was explored, in order to disseminate more and more the idea of environmental awareness through dialogue and a joint practice with society as an alternative of preservation and, therefore, conservation of the human species itself and of the planet Earth.
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