Environmental Education, Desertification, Dry Zone Teaching, GeographyAbstract
Geography aims to show the student that citizenship is also the feeling of belonging to a reality in which the relations society and nature constitute an integrated whole of which he is a participating member. The present work aimed to describe, analyze and contribute to the replication of the plantar project (PP) experience developed as part of the Geography classes at EE Professor Raimundo Silvino da Costa (EEPRSC), since 1998. The activities are started with discussions in the classroom. lesson on global and local environmental issues and the presentation of the project. In the next step, plastic packaging is collected to prepare the seedbed. The material used is composed of a mixture of clay, sand and cattle manure. The daily watering of the seedlings is performed by the students. There are 21 years of activities. The number of students who have passed the PP is around 1800. About 400 seedlings / year are produced. Part of the seedlings are planted by the students. The surplus is donated to the community. The non-built area and the surroundings of the EEPRSC became a green area with 134 plants distributed in 31 species. Experience shows that the school can be the space where geography becomes the production of knowledge that makes the transformation of the space lived by the students the catalyst of their thoughts and actions. The capillarity of PP portrays the relevance of activities capable of bringing the student closer to their immediate reality.
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