Associativism as a tool for coexistence with the semiarid region: Analysis of the association of peasants from the Ponta II and Barra II Sites, Apodi / RN
Associativismo rural. Sítios. Semiárido brasileiro.Abstract
This study has as main objective to understand the associativism as a tool to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the Brazilian Semiarid, based on a study carried out with the Association of Peasants of the Ponta II and Barra II Sites, located in the municipality of Apodi, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The methodology of the work was based on bibliographical research and application of questionnaires. The Social Statute of the association were analyzed to further deepen the knowledge about the entity and the partners were also studied through the application of a questionnaire with objective and subjective questions. From the results, it was possible to understand that many partners joined the association in order to seek benefits for themselves or for the community, and that they are always attending association meetings, but when meetings are on a greater scope, such as the forum of associations that happens in Apodi, the participation of members is minimal, often hampering the receipt of more projects and benefits.
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