
  • Francisca Camila Alves Feitosa
  • Moises Batista da Silva
  • Pedrina Dantas Soares


Dialectology and Geolinguistics, Linguistic Atlas, Regional Lexicography, Glossary, Lexical variants


Language is subject to constant renewal and transformation. The way speakers live contributes to these changes, because each speaker is at the same time user and modifier of his/her native language, engraving changes generated by new situations which are faced by these speakers. This article presents a sample of lexicographical repertoire of lexical variation, given as answers to questionnaires relating to the Potiguar Midwest Atlas Linguistic (SILVA, 2012) and the Potiguar Coastal Geolinguistic Atlas (PEREIRA, 2007). This work assumes theoretical models of lexical science such as: lexicology, lexicography, terminology and terminography, as well as in the area of dialectology, focusing on the paradigms postulated by the Linguistic Atlas of Brazil (Alib). Despite 200 entries have been proposed by Silva (2012) and Pereira (2007), this study focuses on a 25-entry sample. The criteria of choice for these entries was increased productivity in terms of lexical variations, and the presence of the same question in both Atlas. This research has brought significant contributions, as regional dialectal variation informs much of the way its speakers see the world and their local culture. Thus, the act of registering regional variations can help us to deepen our knowledge of our linguistic identity, besides contributing to the perpetuation of linguistic memory of the surveyed locations.


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Author Biographies

Francisca Camila Alves Feitosa

Graduanda em Letras, Habilitação em Lí­ngua Portuguesa, pela Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN).

Moises Batista da Silva

Doutor em Linguí­stica pela Universidade Federal do Ceará. Professor Adjunto IV na UERN.

Pedrina Dantas Soares

Graduanda em Letras, Habilitação em Lí­ngua Portuguesa, pela UERN.


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How to Cite

FEITOSA, F. C. A. .; SILVA, M. B. da; SOARES, P. D. A LEXICAL-SEMANTIC GLOSSARY BASED ON THE POTIGUAR MIDWEST AND COASTAL LINGUISTIC ATLAS. COLINEARES, Mossoró, Brasil, v. 3, n. 1, p. 45–60, 2016. Disponível em: https://periodicos.apps.uern.br/index.php/RCOL/article/view/116. Acesso em: 5 oct. 2024.