Interarts: Opera, theater and romance in the work "A Força do Destino"
Literature, Interarts, Opera, Nélida Piñon, MetanarrativeAbstract
Starting from an interart intertextual approach, in this article we aim to analyze and discuss the interart dialogue between opera and literature in Nélida Pinõn's literary work A força do destino. As a theoretical and methodological contribution, we favor the studies proposed by Cluvër (1997, 2006), Genette (2009), among others, in which it is possible to verify that interart studies are fundamental for the construction of meaning during the reading process, as they are works that have hybridity as a characteristic. The reading of Nélida's novel enables the reader/viewer to appropriate a classic cultural production, expanding the reader's imagination and dialoguing with the scenarios proper to dramatic operatic representations.
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