Cyberspace, Brazilian public space, Social (dis)articulationAbstract
This article aims to analyze the formation/structuring/consolidation of the new Brazilian public space from the dialectic involving cyberspace and physical space. Then, through the dialectical method, the phenomenon is conceptually discussed from some recent social facts in the country's history, starting with the June/2013 marches, going through the impeachment that dismissed the President of the Republic in 2016, for the election in 2018, for the COVID-19 pandemic and, more recently, due to the annulment of the processes involving former President Lula. These are facts considered as turning points in the country's social, cultural, political and economic life, as they change, in a broad sense, the way Brazilian society relates. It is noticed that virtual social networks form a new spatiality in the country, woven by the informational flows of modernity, with direct reflection in the streets, forming spaces of cohesion here and there, through thoughts and ideologies. Thus, this article analyzes what appears to be the most contemporary form of appropriation of space. Therefore, we talk about the cognitive and sensory process involved in the construction of these spatialities based on cyberspace, as well as the ways in which they (dis) articulate the grouping of congeners (ideas and people) and (re) organize life in society. It is noticed that the new Brazilian public space carries with it some characteristics of its genesis, that is, it follows with a strong inclination towards conservative political ideology. Furthermore, it reflects a new form of colonialism on the march, which contains discrete forms of domination and socio-spatial segregation in the Global South.
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