Contribution to the supervised academic practice in Geography at the campus of Aquidauana/Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil: the students' reports and the school supervisor’s perspective as sources of analysis
Teaching, Geography, University Extension, Supervised Practice, SchoolAbstract
This paper presents results from voluntary post-doctoral research and aims to suggest extensionist actions in the geography undergraduate course at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Aquidauana campus, from two perspectives: the narratives found in the internship reports, and the supervising teachers at school. As theoretical reference, the materials of Lüdke (2009), Bisconsin et al (2019), Borges; Ferreira; Fontoura (2012), Tardif; Lessard; Lehaye (1991) were used regarding on continuing teacher education. In the field of Geography, the contributions on supervised internship and teacher education of Castelar (2017), Oliveira and Santos (2019) and Vallerius (2019) were also used. The focus group technique and the documentary and bibliographic analysis, according to Gatti (2005) and Franco (2021), were methodologies that contributed to obtain the results about the supervisors' impressions as well as suggestions of themes for extension activities. The reports from 2017 to 2019 were purposely chosen because they did not fit the format adopted during the pandemic and included in them those of the Pedagogical Residency Program (PRP) coordinated by CAPES. With the development of these two methodologies, the results were satisfactory because themes related to Physical Geography and Geopolitics were identified as emerging among the supervisors who have participated in the focus group. The identified themes may serve as a subsidy, including to facilitate proposals that may collaborate in the implementation of Resolution No. 7 of 2018 of university extension in the undergraduate curriculum. The proposal is that these issues be transformed into extensionist actions according to institutional interest. It is necessary to listen to the professors and present proposals that meet their expectations.
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