
  • Sylvia Helena de Carvalho Arcuri
  • Victor Manuel Ramos Lemus


Romance policial, Cânone, Roberto Bolaño


This article begins with a question raised by Leela Gandhi (1998, p. 01-03): There is an academic production with little consensus and propositions? She answer saying that intellectuals are key players for the "libertarian counter-attack and they need to combine theory and practice and to set aside the dusty textbooks and assume that speak to a small number of partners.This reflection of Gandhi helps to bring out another issue: the narrative genres, understood as mass culture (crime novel, romance noir, thriller, etc.) can aspire a place on the academic studies? They are studied with such seriousness that may be part of what the intellectuals understand by canon?The ambiguities and ambivalences and the desire for social solidarity is one of the claims presented by Roberto Bolaño, through his narrator, in his book in 2666, but specifically in the chapter "The Past about the crimes" which I present as essay, knowing that it is still very to think and discuss.


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Author Biographies

Sylvia Helena de Carvalho Arcuri

Doutoranda e mestre em Letras Neolatinas pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

Victor Manuel Ramos Lemus

Doutor em Letras (Ciência da Literatura) pela UFRJ. Professor Adjunto IV da UFRJ.


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How to Cite

ARCURI, S. H. de C. .; LEMUS, V. M. R. . 2666 - "THE PART ABOUT THE CRIMES": CANON, THE CRIME NOVEL AS PART OF BUILDING AN IMAGINARY TERRITORY ON THE MEXICAN BORDER. COLINEARES, Mossoró, Brasil, v. 2, n. 1, p. 121–147, 2015. Disponível em: https://periodicos.apps.uern.br/index.php/RCOL/article/view/101. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



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