Discourse analysis, Concepts, Introduction to Discourse analysisAbstract
French Discourse analysis started in the 1960"™s and the studies in this area were and are still necessary to the comprehension of the discourses in which we are surrounded. In this paper we bring some concepts that are essential in these studies, to do so we bring authors such as Foucault (2008, 2010), Orlandi (1999) and Gregolin (1995). The aim is to facilitate the comprehension of these concepts that are the base to the theory. Therefore, we work here with essential concepts, such as Discourse, Discursive Formation, Subject, Ideology, Statement, Interdiscourse, Event and Archive. With that, we realize that most of the concepts work in an interconnected way, so it"™s necessary to know each one of them to discuss the others, and to understand the theory, being presented separately just for organization purposes.
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