Allow me to include geography in your considerations
Edward Saïd, suppression of geography, suppression of historyAbstract
The undefined subject of the title of this article is the narrator who talks to the late professor Edward Saïd, in a proposal that moves between anthropology and geography. Internationally famous for proposing reflections on intercultural debates, especially those linked to the dichotomy that involves the Western versus East clash, Edward Saïd established four dogmas to allude to what supports of the orientalist formulations. In addition to the West and East clash, orientalist dogmas serve any intercultural clash, although, in some specificities, some dogmas may prove to be more expressive than others. Among Saïd's dogmas, there is the strength of the suppression of historical experience, which is the disregard of the effects of identity and cultural dynamism submitted to atomistic time in movement. We resent, however, the suppression of geography, understood as formulations that unite what is spatially separated and separate what is spatially inseparable. Taking as a loan the reflections of the literary critic of Palestinian origin, the article in question penetrates the domains of the unsaid by proposing a strict interface between Saïd's writings and spatiality. The aim of this article is to present how the suppression of geography occurs, conceived as a dogma absent in Saïd's typology. To this end, we will work hermeneutically on the dogmas of orientalism, which powerfully synthesize the arguments of Saïd´s magnus opus.
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