Geography, Newspaper, Photography, Teaching, LandscapeAbstract
This article reports a pedagogical experience in which students from the first year of high school in a private school in Barbacena (MG) produced a newspaper based on photographs taken by themselves. The practice in question was realized in the discipline of Geography in order to encourage students to take a critical reading of the surrounding landscapes and whith often go unnoticed. To make the proposed activity with the use of newspaper in the teaching of geography, a division of the class was made, forming four groups with eight students. Each group was responsible for visiting and registering as photos of five sights of the municipality of Barbacena: the downtown; the Monte Mário Neighborhood Lookout; the Museum of Madness and the churches "Nossa Senhora da Piedade" and "Nossa Senhora da Assunção". Aiming at approaching the proposed theme in a synthetic and orderly way, firstly we make a brief history about the print media and its applicability as paradidact resourc to later present the main results obtained in this pedagogical experience. After the application and development of the project with newspaper, the students showed more interest in the discipline of Geography and, at the same time, they felt more stimulated and valued, because they realized that they are also able to build knowledge and not just receive it passively.
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