Reflexões sobre a Associação dos Geógrafos Brasileiros: alguns apontamentos sobre a AGB Potiguar




Association of Brazilian Geographers, Rio Grande do Norte, Geography


The context of institutionalization of Brazilian geographical science had the 1930s as a major turning point, with the creation of the first Geography courses in Brazil in that period, in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, with the entry of foreign professionals working in geographical science, especially the French, led, despite an initially traditional bias and far from reality, the possibility of producing an effectively Brazilian Geography. With the constitution of the Association of Brazilian Geographers – AGB, also in the 1930s, this process was consolidated, in a process of bringing together the geographic scientific community in Brazil. This process becomes more widespread with the changes in Brazilian Geography and AGB after 1978, arising from the rise of the critical movement, with greater diffusion and plurality of Brazilian geographic thought, represented by different local Sections, such as Potiguares, which contributed to the deepening of geographic discussions in Rio Grande do Norte and Brazil. In this way, as will be seen in this article, when discussing and reflecting on the formation of Brazilian geographical thought, it becomes evident that the Association of Brazilian Geographers - AGB had an important role in the consolidation of Potiguar and Brazilian geographical thought, as it corresponded to an important space for representation and deepening of the different knowledge that built Brazilian Geography.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues Galvão, I. (2021). Reflexões sobre a Associação dos Geógrafos Brasileiros: alguns apontamentos sobre a AGB Potiguar. Think Geography Magazine, 5(1), 73–81. Retrieved from