
  • José Roberto Alves Barbosa
  • Myrna Cibelly de Oliveira Silva


Literacy, Multimodality, Critical, Advertising, Mobile devices


Advertising plays a fundamental role in shaping consumers. Through this the subjects are positioned by the ability they have to acquire products (MAGALHíES, 2005). Among these, the cell phone is between the most desired, including by young people. Given this reality, we propose, through this work, to analyze critically and visually cell phones advertisings in English classroom in order to favor the critical position of elementary school students of the public school. Therefore, we will collect two advertisements in English media reports of the leading companies in the world. For the analysis of the images, we will consider the theoretical assumptions of Design Visual Grammar (DVG) proposed by Kress and van Leeuwen (2006), inspired by the Systemic Functional Linguistics, Halliday (1985). The critical analysis will be theoretically grounded from the contributions of Fairclough (2001, 2003), which proposes a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), to watch out for both the social dimension (FOUCAULT, 1987) as textual speech (HALLIDAY, 1985). According to Fairclough (2001), discourses of advertising promote consumption, given that this is ideologically marked (THOMPSON, 1985), and constituted hegemonic (GRAMSCI, 1998, 1995) to produce consensus. Moreover the debate in the classroom, from the analyzed material, will favor the critical multimodal literacy of students (GRYGORIAN; KING, 2008), and will contribute to a teaching empowering languages, with a view to social change (FREIRE, 1997).




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Author Biographies

José Roberto Alves Barbosa

Doutor em Linguí­stica pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Professor Adjunto IV da UERN.

Myrna Cibelly de Oliveira Silva

Graduanda em Letras – Habilitação em Lí­ngua Inglesa – pela UERN.


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How to Cite

BARBOSA, J. R. A.; SILVA, M. C. de O. . THE MOBILE ADVERTISING IN ENGLISH CLASS: A CRITICAL LITERACY MULTIMODAL PRACTICE. COLINEARES, Mossoró, Brasil, v. 2, n. 2, p. 187–212, 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jul. 2024.