Reading, Writing, Linguistic analysis, Critical literacy, Anti-racismAbstract
Teaching of Portuguese language requires studies with language, in view of the daily practice of interaction. In that case, linguistic analysis is an important knowledge, which must be carried out with reading and writing practices. Through linguistic studies, several theories have been developed in order to possibility theorical assumptions that consider linguistic practice linked to the social context. Literacies and Multiliteracies are example of advanced approaches in these studies, considering the multiplicity of genres and social contexts, which require these skills (reading, writing and linguistics) as in the case of the virtual environment After these reflections, it is important to highlight the approach to teaching from a perspective of the Theory of Empowerment, based on the proposals of Paulo Freire (Pedagogy of the Oppressed and Theory of Awareness). It was amplified from the debates introduced by Black Feminism and the intersectionality concept, a term coined by Kiberlé Crenshaw. The author explains that "there is an invisibility that is a consequence of the articulation of subordinated groups within the social pyramid" (CRENSHAW apud BERTH, 2019, p. 60). Because of this, it was intended, in the present study, work with transversal themes, based on experiences in the classroom, permeated with conflicts, often trivialized. In conclusion, four texts from different genres (strip, song, cartoon and photography) corroborate the importance of the triad: reading, writing and linguistic analysis, present in the proposed activities. They are essential approaches to teaching Portuguese and necessary for all subjects.
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