Towards a hybrid approach to genre teaching: comparing the swiss and brazilian schools of socio-discursive interactionism and rhetorical genre studies


  • Vera Lúcia Lopes Cristovão Pontifí­cia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP)
  • Natasha Artemeva Carleton University


Swiss and Brazilian Socio-Discursive Interactionism, Rhetorical Genre Studies, hybrid approach to genre


Theoretical foundations of the Swiss School of Socio-Discursive Interactionism (SDI), North American Rhetorical Genre Studies (RGS) and the Brazilian School of SDI are reviewed, compared, and contrasted, and the similarities and differences in their key features and perspectives on genre analysis and pedagogy are discussed. The Brazilian School of SDI is identified as an expansion of Swiss SDI. The reviewed approaches are shown to be somewhat complementary. The recommendations are made for the future hybrid use of the Brazilian School of SDI and RGS in pedagogical applications.


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How to Cite

CRISTOVÃO, V. L. L. .; ARTEMEVA, N. . Towards a hybrid approach to genre teaching: comparing the swiss and brazilian schools of socio-discursive interactionism and rhetorical genre studies. Diálogo das Letras, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 101–120, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.