O orientador como mediador de letramento legitimado na elaboração do projeto de pesquisa de um mestrando





Academic literacies. Literacy broker. Research project.


We aim to reflect from the student’s perspective on the advisor’s role in the process of producing the dissertation project from the student’s perspective around materials engineering. This is research supported within the framework of Academic Literacies, within the scope of sociocultural studies on language, which understand the inseparable relationship between text and context (STreet, 2010; Lillis, 2008; Lillis; Scott, 2007; Fiad, 2017; Lillis; Curri, 2010). We used a theoretical-methodological approach guided by conversations around the text proposed by Lillis (2008), using as analysis material conversations with the student about the orientation and the versions of their project under construction and feedback from the advisor around the text in a single case study. The analysis of a particular context identified that the advisor is (re)positioned as a literacy broker legitimized by the advisee in writing the research project in their statements during the production of the research project, as well as in the history of the text through feedback informed in the research project file.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Artur Silva Cantuário , Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)

Mestre e doutorando em Linguística pela Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI). Professor da Universidade Estadual do Piauí (UESPI). Membro do grupo de pesquisa Cataphora e do Laboratório de Letramentos acadêmicos (Leia/UESPI). 

Francisco Alves Filho, Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)

Doutor em linguística pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Professor titular da Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI). Líder do grupo de pesquisa Cataphora (UFPI).


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How to Cite

CANTUÁRIO , . A. A. S.; ALVES FILHO, F. O orientador como mediador de letramento legitimado na elaboração do projeto de pesquisa de um mestrando . Diálogo das Letras, [S. l.], v. 13, p. e02420, 2024. DOI: 10.22297/2316-17952024v13e02420. Disponível em: https://periodicos.apps.uern.br/index.php/DDL/article/view/6247. Acesso em: 5 oct. 2024.