Turismo e desenvolvimento nos municí­pios de Pedra Grande, São Miguel do Gostoso, Touros e Rio do Fogo, no Rio Grande do Norte





Polo Costa das Dunas, Geography, Touris


Tourism, as an economic activity, is one of the segments that has most contributed to the generation of revenues worldwide, coupled with material and immaterial elements it has become an alternative for the development of several regions. In Rio Grande do Norte it was no different, tourist centers were created in order to contribute to economic growth, the Polo Costa das Dunas (PCD) is a reflection of this planning. Located on the east coast of the state, it has contributed to creating a niche for sun and beach tourism. In this sense, this paper aimed to analyze the extent to which tourism contributes to the economic development of the municipalities of Rio do Fogo, Touros, São Miguel do Gostoso and Pedra Grande, located in the PCD. The methodology started from a survey of literature that deals with the subject in question, consultation in the main databases in search of information about the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), tourism enterprises, domestic and international tourist demand, tourist links formal jobs and transfers from SIACOR for the tourism development of the municipalities, finally, systematized the data together with a theoretical basis for the production of results. It is possible to conclude the participation of tourism in economic development in four municipalities located on the Polo Costa das Dunas Polo, it did not occur homogeneously. There is a dichotomy between municipalities that on the one hand present tourism as one of the main sources of revenue generation, such as São Miguel do Gostoso and Touros, and on the other side, observing the municipalities of Pedra Grande and Rio do Fogo, it was possible to perceive completely different realities.


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Author Biographies

Rafael Souza, Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte


He is currently a student in the Geography course at the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (2017). He participated in the School Geography project: culture, citizenship and teacher training through the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships (PIBID) linked to the Geography course at the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN). He participated as a volunteer teacher in the extension project Cursinho Popular Emancipa linked to the department of social communication at the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN). Member of the Study Group on Environmental Sanitation in the Semiarid Region (ESAS - UFERSA). Member of the continuous flow project The network of tourist places on the north coast of the coast of the dunes pole in progress developed by the Human Geography Laboratory (LAGHUM) and by the Study Group on Urban and Economic Geography (GEGUE) of the Department of Geography at the University of State of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN). participates in the extension project Weaving Citizenship Networks of the Social Sciences Course at the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN).

Denis Souza, Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte

He is currently a student of the Geography course at the State University of Rio Grande do Norte - UERN (2018). Member of the continuous flow project "The network of tourist places on the north coast of the coast of the dunes" in progress developed by the Laboratory of Human Geography (LAGHUM) and by the Study Group on Urban and Economic Geography (GEGUE) of the Department of Geography of State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN).

José Almada, Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte

Assistant Professor at the Department of Geography at UERN - Central Campus - Mossoró-RN. PhD student in the Graduate Program in Geography at UFPE since 2017. Master in Geography in Graduate Program (PPge) at UFRN, 2015. Graduated in Geography Degree at IFRN, 2013.



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How to Cite

Souza, R. S. de, Souza, D. G. de, & Almada, J. A. B. de . (2020). Turismo e desenvolvimento nos municí­pios de Pedra Grande, São Miguel do Gostoso, Touros e Rio do Fogo, no Rio Grande do Norte . Think Geography Magazine, 4(1), 71–83. https://doi.org/10.26704/pgeo.v4i1.1812