Estado, Geografia, Conceito, Planejamento, Ensino de GeografiaAbstract
The State is the main actor for the management and planning of the territory through policies, norms and actions. Addressing the State and politics is dealing with its links with society, as well as all existing power relations, where the State becomes an individual organizer of this planning and, consequently, of the territory. In this sense, with the inexistence of a universal concept of the State concept, there is a need for its understanding in a contemporary geographical approach, as it is widely used in past and present research and will undoubtedly be in the future. This article therefore aims to carry out an analysis of the concept of the State and its main definitions, passing through classic and contemporary authors, emphasizing its relationship with geographic science to contribute and support the resulting research in Geography that is based, at least partially, on the concept of the State and its purpose. For that, we are guided by bibliographical and documentary research on the State from authors of Geography, State’s General Theory and related areas. It is opportune to point out that the State has undergone numerous transformations, the result of a slow and troubled path, and that despite decades of transitions, no conclusive result has been obtained regarding its concept. We found that the concept of the State has undergone numerous transformations, the result of a slow and troubled path, and that despite decades of transitions, there is no conclusive result regarding its concept, obviously, making it possible to adopt different perspectives consistent with diverse contemporary values.
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