Social networks, Social Security Reform, Political discourse, Power, Effects of meaningAbstract
Information technologies have democratized the Internet and altered the sociocommunication dynamics of societies that have suffered this interference/impact. They presented to individuals a cyberspace or network society where people express and relate to each other, produce and share contents, knowledge, meanings, ways of thinking and seeing. Considering this context, the objective of this paper is to analyze the process of production of meanings by the political discourse on the Reform of Social Security through institutional propaganda. For this, we use the French-oriented Discourse Analysis as a theoretical reference, mobilizing concepts such as discourse, power and position-subject from the postulates of Michel Foucault and with contributions from other scholars in the area. We also approach aspects of Semiology History postulated by Courtine for the interior of Discourse Analysis, in the joint work of verbal (linguistic) and visual (semiological) interpretation of discursive strategies and the production of the effects of meaning. In order to develop the object of analysis of this paper, the propaganda genre was chosen. Thus, we analyzed two posts on a social media produced by the Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro - Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement (PMDB), posted on the party's official page on Facebook, on March 2ndand 4th, 2017. From the analysis of the corpus, it was possible to map the sayings (and the ones not said) about the social security reform, identifying the discursive strategies in the production of meaning effects operated by the official propaganda.
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