Under the sign of the gaze: a reading of Clarice Lispector"™s short story "A legião estrangeira"
Clarice Lispector, A legião estrangeira, Gaze, Self-knowledgeAbstract
This paper is dedicated to the analysis of Clarice Lispector's short story "A Legião Estrangeira", part of the homonymous book published in 1964. In the short story, the search for self-discovery is recurrent and becomes noticeable through a phenomenological exploration of the gaze. In the narrative approach, the objective is to recognize the gaze as an indicative metaphor of self-knowledge. Therefore, we try to delineate traces linked to the inner diving undertaken by the central characters, as well as the relationship of the gaze - physical and metaphysical - and its correlates (to see, not to see, to perceive) expressed in Clarician"™s mimetic discourse. Having this view mind, we consider as fundamental the concepts of Merleau-Ponty (2011, 2012, 2013) and Novaes (1988) about the gaze, as well as the perspective by Pontieri (2001), among other studies that address the relevance of the gaze at Clarician prose. The analysis of such small aspect is justified by its recurrence in Clarice Lispector's fiction, a notably trace pointed out by the critics as a catalyst for the dialogue between the being and the other, the being and the world.
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