Morpheme –ed, Complex Adaptative System, Exemplar Theory, English as an Additional Language, Bibliographic ReviewAbstract
The main objective of this article is to analyze studies on the –ed morpheme production of the simple past tense of regular verbs in English as an Additional Language (EAL). Based on the view of language as a Complex Adaptive System (LARSEN-FREEMAN, 1997; BACCHI, 2015) and on the Exemplar Theory (PIERREHUMBERT, 2001; BYBEE, 2001), the research question was: how do Brazilian learners of EAL perform the simple past –ed morpheme of regular English verbs according to literature? We have as a basic hypothesis Brazilian learners of EAL produce the morpheme –ed in a non-prototypical way with the insertion of epenthetic vowels. The study is a qualitative literature review about the production of the morpheme –ed by Brazilian learners of EAL. Therefore, we selected five quantitative surveys on the production of –ed morpheme and discussed the results in relation to the following variables: experiments; orthography; English proficiency level/EAL usage experience; previous context/voicing; words; and the individual. Based on the results in the studies, we confirmed the basic hypothesis of the study, since Brazilian learners tend to perform vowel epenthesis in the realization of the morpheme –ed due to the influence of the independent variables investigated.
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