Set of genres, Types of resistance, Class plan, Internship reportAbstract
The discussion on the academic genres lesson plan and internship report carried out in the Academic Written Production Laboratory Extension Project – LAPEA / UREN, in October 2020, brought us good prospects for the interest was shown by the participants in two genres so practiced in the academy, but who suffer expressive resistance by users of this genre. With this article, which counts with the contribution of Bazerman"™s theorist (2005, 2006, 2007), among others authors, in addition to oficial documents, such as the Law of Guidelines and Bases / LDB (2020), the Student Internship Law (2008) and the Common National Curricular Base / BNCC (2018), we aim to discuss the status of these genres, as well as the resistance of students and teachers, regarding the need to understand and practice, coherently and effectively, those genres, which are essential to teacher training, so they are included in the list of genres academics. The discussion we held, both at LAPEA and here, shows that the lesson plan and internship report are genres that resist the time and pedagogical changes, as they allow and condense, in good part, the educational activity, which obliges us, as teachers and researchers, alert the academic and school community to the need to know, understand and give these genres the due attention that they should have. With this, we trust that, soon, these genres will migrate from the situation of resistance spontaneous adherence.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Maria Margarete Fernandes de Sousa, Abniza Pontes de Barros Leal , Maria Ednilza Oliveira Moreira
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