Relativization strategies, Linguistic variation, Textbook of Portuguese languageAbstract
Considering that the National Curriculum Parameters (BRAZIL, 1998) and the National Curricular Common Base (BRAZIL, 2018) guide a Portuguese language teaching that considers the variation inherent in the language, understood as heterogeneous by such guiding documents, textbooks must promote a reflection about variants not included by traditional grammar. Thus, this article aims to analyze in a qualitative way how variation in relativization strategies is carried out, through the explicit approach of the content ''adjective subordinate clause'', present in the 4th volume, aimed at the 9th grade elementary school, from the ''Tecendo Linguagens'' collection, organized by Oliveira and Araújo (2018). To this end, we used sociolinguistic studies undertaken about the phenomenon of relativization (TARALLO, 1983; CORRÊA, 1998; PINHEIRO; ARAÚJO, 2014; SOUZA; ARAÚJO, 2014; LUCCHESI, 2015; COAN; CARVALHO, 2016; SILVA, 2018; VIEIRA, 2020; etc.), which show the existence of at least three different relativization strategies in Brazilian Portuguese. Results indicate that, despite the wide range of studies about the variation present in relative clauses and in the guidelines of the aforementioned guiding documents, the content object of our study is approached in the textbook through a solely normative bias and disregards the existence of non-standard variants.
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