Reader formation, Elementary School, ReadingAbstract
Reading is essential in the process of formation and emancipation of humankind, and it can contribute in providing subsidies so that subjects can assume the role of critical and conscious readers. Based on this, this work realizes a field research, which aims to investigate the constitution of the reader of the 6th and 9th grade of a public elementary school in Brazil. It specifically aims to identify which genres students read during their reading Formation process and how learners deal with these genres, observe what kind of reader is built in the act of reading: critical or idea-replicant; and verify how reading strategies help in the formation of the reader. Data for the study was constituted from observations, application of a questionnaire, and the holding of a workshop. Thirty one students from the 6th and nineteen 9th grade students from a public school in Assu, Rio Grande do Norte, were investigated. Data analysis indicates that there is still a large gap in reading teaching, and it is necessary for the school to redefine its methodologies and focus on student learning, so it could engage them to enter the reading world as a way of learning, contribute to personal and intellectual growth so that they can become proficient readers and seek meaningful readings that contribute to an awareness of the world and the issues surrounding them.
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