Um guia de estratégias de leitura para o texto hipermodal em lí­ngua estrangeira: foco na hipermodalidade e no afeto



Texto hipermodal, Leitura em lí­ngua estrangeira, Estratégias de leitura


Today's changes and challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic added to the need for work on language and the use of technologies, mainly on hypermodal text reading, demand studies that focus on Digital Literacy. In this context, this work proposes a guide of strategies to read hypermodal text in a foreign language (FL) considering hypermodality and affect. To accomplish this, a conception of social-interactional reading is adopted, which understands that the reading process occurs through the interaction between the text and the reader within a social practice that considers the construction of meanings based on socio-historical-ideological and cultural factors. Still, in the theoretical scope, the research is based on Lemke's (2002, 2010) and Selber (2004) studies on Multiliteracies related to technologies. To develop the hypermodal text reading strategies guide, the present work is based on the following theories: the Principles of Presentation, Orientation and Organization proposed by Lemke (2002); the Theory of the Neural Mechanism of Affect developed by Schumann (1997) and the Intersemiotic Coherence Analysis Model, reformulated by Gomes (2019). The guide provides theoretical and practical support for reading the hypermodal text in a foreign language, as it can help learners read the hypermodal text in FL and E/FL teachers in their educational practices.


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How to Cite

ABRITTA , L. F. A. .; RIBEIRO, P. N. de S. . Um guia de estratégias de leitura para o texto hipermodal em lí­ngua estrangeira: foco na hipermodalidade e no afeto. Diálogo das Letras, [S. l.], v. 10, p. e02130, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 oct. 2024.