Interface entre Escrita Criativa e Letramentos Acadêmicos no ensino de escrita na universidade
Letramentos Acadêmicos, Escrita Criativa, Ensino de escrita na graduaçãoAbstract
This article arose from questions about what to teach, in the curricular component Portuguese Language, offered as a non-specific subject, in the initial years of several undergraduate courses. In addition to the fact that there are no explicit didactic guidelines regarding this teaching - at least, not in the degree of detail that can be seen in the National Curriculum Parameters for Elementary and Secondary Education - there are the well-known complaints about students"™s difficulties whit reading and writing. In this work, we defend that the teaching of Portuguese Language should assume its role as a means of enabling the student to autonomously manage their ways of learning and producing knowledge, constituting a discipline of teaching writing (and reading) in line with the culture of the various general and specific disciplines, which constitute whatever the area of "‹"‹knowledge in which the higher education is inserted. To achieve this goal, we propose an interdisciplinary articulation between two different approaches to teaching writing: Creative Writing and the Academic Literature model, so that this articulation can result in a pedagogical practice that fosters the development of writing and reading competence. academic texts. We believe that the interface between the precepts of Creative Writing and that of the academic literacy model can provide significant contributions to answer the question about what to teach in the Portuguese Language curriculum component in the initial years of undergraduate courses in different areas, without prejudice to levels. subsequent educational activities.
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